Fertility Foundations

I designed this online program to help clients feel more empowered on a journey that can feel so out of control.  It aims to help people take the first steps on their fertility journey with confidence and it covers everything I would go through with a client in the first 2 months of working together.  You can go to your GP or even a fertility clinic but there just isn’t enough time at these appointments to learn everything you need to know about what might be impacting your fertility.  Therefore educating yourself is key to make sure you are in the drivers seat on this journey.

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"Fertility is a journey and learning about our bodies and how to nourish ourselves, is key for a healthy pregnancy"

What you’ll get when you sign up to the program:

  • 5 Self Paced Modules

  • A list of comprehensive bloods to request from your GP

  • You’ll learn how to track your hormones and identify if there is an imbalance impacting your fertility

  • The importance of preparation when it comes to natural or assisted pregnancy

  • The male factor – Getting sperm checked and what numbers you should aim for to ensure that the sperm is causing an issue

  • How to nourish your microbiome ahead of pregnancy

This programs aims to educate women about their health and hormones, teaching you to become the expert of your own fertility! 

I look forward to working with you.

Niamh Burke

Buy online fertility program

You can sign up now for the special introductory price of   €97

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Program Features 5 Modules

After this program you will learn


Work with me

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