Free HSE Support

I put this webinar together to help couples understand what testing and fertility treatment is available for free via the HSE.  Please don’t shy away if IVF is not a road you’d like to go down as there is very important testing available long before IVF would be recommended.  Unfortunately since I made this presentation waiting times have increased so don’t delay in getting your name down. 

I just want to note also that even though this support is free I am finding that GPs are still referring clients to private clinics because of the increased waiting times for the HSE hub.  Please make sure that you are at least on the HSE waiting list even if your initial appointment is with a private gynae.  You really need to advocate for yourself on your fertility journey because you risk missing out if you don’t have the all the information.  

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If you'd like to optimise your chances of natural or assisted fertility I have put together an online program called "Fertility Foundations" to help guide couples through what first steps to take on their fertility journey

Fertility Foundations


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