I have included a checklist below of all the areas that I covered during the program. These are the same areas I go through with a client in the first 2 months of working together.
If you completed everything on the checklist – well done you are one step closer to a healthy pregnancy.
You may need additional individual support if you have identified any issues. Perhaps everything has come back normal and there may be something more complex at play. If you feel like you could benefit from more one to one support a Clarity Session will help shed more light on what could be happening. This session is 90-120 minutes long and I will go through your entire case history to help shed some light on what might be happening. You will also receive additional recommendations and links after the session to help you on your journey.
If you enjoyed my program I would love to invite you to join my follow on program “Pathway to Pregnancy” for the reduced price of €149 (usually €249). This program includes 8 microbiome friendly recipe ebooks, complimentary kefir grains, strategies for boosting progesterone levels and supporting ovulation.
There’s also a big focus on mental health with guided at home stress management techniques to help calm your nervous system and support your fertility.
If anyone is interested in the topic of manifestation and the mind body connection; Hypnotherapist Sim Langton has recorded a beautiful meditation around attracting the baby of your dreams into your life.
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