Supportive Videos

The below video series was designed to help you implement fasting in an easy and gentle way.   The most important thing about fasting is to listen to your body and stop if you are not feeling well.  

Getting Started

I am delighted to share this lovely visualisation that Elaine put together for the group. It’s based on the philosophy that – what we think about most becomes our reality and on the principles that you attract what you focus on most into your life!! Think – “The Secret.”
I asked her to do one to help people get grounded and figure out their 15 reasons. We are so used to rushing and racing in our lives that we easily lose touch with what our body really needs!! It was designed to help us slow down, to help reduce stress and to attract some positivity into our lives. I hope you enjoy it!!
Elaine is a fantastic weight loss coach and she is available for private sessions for anyone who feels they need that little bit more one to one support.
You can find out more info about Elaine on:

What to do if your Weight Loss Plateaus

Tips to keep the Scales Moving!
